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Experts in licensing & royalty audit services and compliance auditing.

Licensing & Royalties

Licensing is a multi-billion dollar worldwide business that continues to grow. However, even with all the growth and revenue generated, licensors may not be recovering their full share of royalties.

Our teams have depth and relevant experience in providing royalty compliance services for a myriad of industries, including but not limited to apparel, toys, art, automotive, music, television, film, cosmetics, drugs, sports, food and beverage, and technology. While performing our services on our client’s behalf, our professionals remain sensitive to the relationship between the licensor and licensee, working diligently to ensure that our work is conducted efficiently with minimal disruption to the licensee’s operation.

While performing our services on our client’s behalf, our professionals remain sensitive to the relationship between the licensor and licensee, working diligently to ensure that our work is conducted efficiently with minimal disruption to the licensee’s operation.

  • Recover both under and unreported royalties

  • Ensure the integrity of the brand

  • Develop a training system for brand abuse prevention

  • Reduce licensee and licensor costs by assisting with the design of royalty reports


Our diverse client base consists of closely held and mid-market businesses, high net worth individuals and tax exempt organizations.

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